Consultants talk about the implementation of a investment management solution for a new client

Implementation & training

From all phases of implementation to education and training for your employees

Efficient and professional implementation

When your solution needs to be implemented, two of the most important things for us are communication and aligning expectations. Our experienced consultants have all the right skills and industry know-how, enabling them to quickly familiarise themselves with your processes and your business. They are on hand throughout all the implementation phases, and make sure to ask the right questions and make specific suggestions when needed. All to ensure as efficient and professional an implementation process as possible.

Last but not least, we go out of our way to ensure that implementation is both effective and transparent. Therefore, we always clarify the time-frame and finances in advance, as neither you nor we benefit in any way from a lengthy implementation process.

The main difference between collaborating with large international providers and Vitec Aloc is that we’re a very small fish in a big pond, while as a client with Vitec Aloc, we’re a big client that is taken seriously
Lars Haram, CIO and Head of Asset Management at Norwegian life insurance company Oslo Pensjonsforsikring

We are with you all the way

For us, a deep understanding of the customer's requirements, close communication and aligning expectations essential in any implementation. Learn more about our implementation process in the video.

Training and workshops for your employees

A crucially important aspect when changing investment management solution is to ensure that your employees feel secure and familiar with the solution. Therefore, our education and training course is a natural part of the implementation, so that your employees are properly equipped and feel at home with the new solution from day one.

The training held by your dedicated client team, comprising a Business Service Consultant and a Service Delivery Manager, varies and is customised according to your needs and wishes, but our workshops are particularly popular, as they give users an opportunity to ask specific questions or make direct wishes that facilitate learning about and using the solution. Often, the individual workshops lead to new ideas, which we are happy to implement as part of an upcoming upgrade project or incorporate into future version solutions.  

Vitec Aloc is big enough to solve the task, but at the same time not so large that we feel that we don’t matter
Susanne Lundby, CFO, PensionDanmark

Contact us

If you would like to hear more about our solutions, if you have any questions or if you need support, please write to us or give us a call.

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