Provider and client talk about the importance of close collaboration

Straightforward collaboration

For us, good and close collaboration with our clients is the key to success

We are big enough to trust, but small enough to care

As one of the leading providers of investment management solutions in the Nordic region, we are well aware that you don’t just choose a solution. You choose a long-term partner who ensures efficient and professional implementation, and who subsequently guarantees high uptime, safe operation and, not least, daily service and support at the highest level.

When you work with us, you get:

A Nordic partner

With more than 35 years of experience in fintech and a broad market understanding

A subscription-based model

You only pay for the modules you need

Dialogue at eye level

Based on openness, communication and mutual trust

A state-of-the-art solution

Cost-effective, flexible and user-friendly

Exceptional client service

Dedicated client and project team, daily support, sparring and annual business review

Professional network

With like-minded people in the financial sector

Optimum service, reliable operation

The right service within needs identification, implementation, support, hosting and training is the be-all and end-all when changing investment management solution, and typically accounts for the majority of the total budget. With the right level of service from experienced employees who understand your processes and business, and who know the solution inside out, you will quickly and confidently start operating with the new solution, which guarantees a high uptime and an efficient and stable solution.

We’re really happy with the support function. We only ever meet competent and service-minded employees
Sophie Hansen, First Vice President of Tax Services and Customer Reporting, Private Banking Elite clients at Danske Bank

Contact us

If you would like to hear more about our solutions, if you have any questions or if you need support, please write to us or give us a call.

Contact us